This is an outdated version published on 2019-07-31. Read the most recent version.

Coastline changes near the Maranhão - Ponta da Madeira Port Complex, Brazil


This article describe the changes in the shoreline near the port complex at Maranhão, Brazil, and adjacent areas. The main objective was to evaluate the morphological changes in the study area during recent decades based on sattelite remote sensing image analysis by comparing a series of eight images obtained with different sensors (Landsat, Quickbird, Geoeye, Ikonos, and Worldview2 and 3) in the vicinity of an industrial harbor area. The shoreline was characterized by digitization and vectorization using each image, and the statistic spatial changes in the shoreline were quantified using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System. In addition, time change detection analyses were conducted in specific areas in order to establish correlations between the erosion/deposition areas with changes in vegetation and the land-cover dynamics. Throughout most of the area, the shore line tended to remain stable during the study period. However, four specific areas exhibited variability at localized points on the shoreline, particularly areas near the port region and those adjacent to estuarine channels evidencing that the port complex have a direct influence on the shoreline behavior in a relatively stable area.







Research Articles