Temporal dynamics of land use and cover in Paurá Lagoon region, Middle Coast of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil


  • Katia Helena Lipp-Nissinen Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luis Roessler - FEPAM, RSl.
  • Bruna de Sá Piñeiro Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil
  • Letícia Sebastião Miranda Centro Universitário Franciscano UNIFRA, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.
  • Alexandre de Paula Alves Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luis Roessler - FEPAM, Porto Alegre, RS.



Palabras clave:

coastal ecosystems, invasive and exotic trees, Pinus, priority areas for conservation, remote sensing


Land use and cover studies can assist in the monitoring and management of important landscapes and priority areas for conservation, especially those threatened by anthropogenic processes. The Middle Coastal region of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) – the southernmost State of Brazil, comprises a variety of ecosystems recognized as highly important for conservation. Threats to their integrity include Pinus sp forestry and its rapid invasiveness over natural areas. Located in this region is the Paurá Lagoon (-31°34’, -51°17’ and -31°35’, -51º18’). Through remote sensing and field observations, the present study sought to contribute by identifying, quantifying and mapping the main thematic classes of land use and coverage in the immediate vicinities of the Paurá Lagoon. Changes and influencing factors over 26 years were studied using four Landsat TM-5 satellite images, dated 06/02/1985, 30/07/1996, 23/05/2006 and 28/10/2011. Besides lagoon water, eight other thematic classes were identified and quantified: Dune, Vegetated Dune, Restinga Forest, Wet Grassland/Marsh, Sandy Field/Exposed Soil, Pasture Field, Forestry and Forested Dune. Various relevant changes in the landscape were observed, measured and compared over time, including the occupation of the legally-bound permanent preservation areas (APP) by Pinus sp and its subsequent partial disposal in compliance with environmental licensing. Creation of a local conservation unit is recommended. Measures are suggested for an integrated management of this coastal environment, enabling preservation of the landscape and its mosaic of ecosystems in conjunction with sustainable land use. Information raised here may assist planning and decision-making for licensing, management and monitoring of the Paurá Lagoon region and other similarly important coastal regions.

Biografía del autor/a

Katia Helena Lipp-Nissinen, Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luis Roessler - FEPAM, RSl.

Biologist, MSc, PhD, Environmental Researcher, Departamento de Pesquisa e Análises Laboratoriais, Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luis Roessler - FEPAM  

Bruna de Sá Piñeiro, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil

Environmental Management Graduation Student, PIBIC-CNPq Research Studentship at the Departamento de Pesquisa e Análises Laboratoriais, Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luis Roessler - FEPAM.

Letícia Sebastião Miranda, Centro Universitário Franciscano UNIFRA, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Environmental Engineering Graduation Student,  PIBIC-CNPq Research Initiation Student; Departamento de Pesquisa e Análises Laboratoriais, Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luis Roessler - FEPAM, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Alexandre de Paula Alves, Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luis Roessler - FEPAM, Porto Alegre, RS.

Cartographer Engineer, MSc, Environmental Analist, Departamento de Planejamento, Qualidade Ambiental e  Geoprocessamento, FEPAM, Porto Alegre, RS.


2018-07-02 — Actualizado el 2018-07-02




Research Articles