Esta es un versión antigua publicada el 2021-11-22. Consulte la versión más reciente.

Vulnerabilidade costeira a derrames de óleo e à inundação de uma ilha fluvio-estuarina amazônica – Ilha de Mosqueiro (Belém-Pará-Brasil)


The coastal vulnerability index (CVI) consists in a method that it was projected to indicate high vulnerability coastal segments, in which they are combined several factors of individual risks in only an index. Thus, it represents a tool for the creation of high significance information for the coastal planning and management. The aim of this study was to introduce the coastal vulnerability diagnosis to the incidents that involve oil spill and also the coastal vulnerability outlook to the flooding of Mosqueiro island (Belém-Pará-Brazil) in a scale of 1:25.000. Two kinds of CVI were used : the first, because it was widespread, it was called of standard CVI, which took into consideration the following variables: Geomorphology, shoreline changes, coastal slope, scenarios of relative sea level change, a significant waves height, tides range; the second, CVI Oil spill  (CVI-OS), it´s an unpublished methodology that integrates the seashore sensibility index (SSI) , shoreline change, urban infrastructure and vegetation. From the analysis of results it was verified that the mapping of standard CVI presented just two vulnerability classes ( low and medium). For the proposed scale, there wasn´t significant shoreline change. On the other hand, the CVI-OS allowed the definition of four classes, where the weakest gathered on the northwest island place, due to the urban spot find itself on this region. So, the Mosqueiro island presents a small degree of vulnerability associated to the flooding, however a high degree, with respect to the oil spill.






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